NOTA: Las imágenes usadas no son de mi propiedad. Provienen de o de artistas externos.

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Apollar (The Passionate Force)

Passion by *thearchon

"‎I wish I could be able to draw a star,
to exhale the fire inside myself,
to laugh for the flowers I just smelled,
but I am just caged and out of place."

I am Apollar, your moon, your stars...
The one that barely comes to set you on fire...
but when I do, prepare for the war that, well...
I shall cause inside yourself.

I am liquid, not gas.
I am a soul inside a glass.
I am your heart, so blind,
as the crow took off your eyes.

Listen to my melody and get lost,
inhale my air and become a ghost,
I trapped your freedom in a cage,
should I send it to fly away?

Tell me, mortal,
tell me, human,
tell me, mind,
tell me, soul,
tell me, heart:

Are you feeling my slight touch?

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